Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Company will grow only if the staff are growing

After numerous torturing by the client, finally something concrete came out of it. All thanks to my mentor for the valuable advise. Thanks, Shi Fu...

Last month, I have recuited a project engineer and a project coordinator, bringing my department head count to 6. Projects are coming in and my department is expanding at a modest speed. My strategy plan seems to be going pretty smooth but it's still a distance away from my ultimate goal.. But at least, it started to take shape and is happy with the progress.

Currently, my immediately action is to strengthen my team members and stabilising the structure.

Since I have never been a good motivator thus getting the best out of my fellow colleagues can never be an easy job. I concur that sometimes or rather most of times, I can be a discordant and insensitive person. But that was due to the disappoint that comes along.

??? ............. I wonder if my expectative of my fellow colleagues seems a bit too high or I have been over demanding. But I eager for their own success...

My working Philosophy:
Success always comes with sacrifies.

Its been more than a month since I last blog.... Time really waits for no one.
It seems yesterday that I have just married....

3 more weeks and I will be a daddy liao.... Daddy?
Excited and eagerly awaits for the day to come....

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